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Jefferson Celebrates Employees with Official Bicentennial Photo

To mark the 200th day of its 200th year, Jefferson held a photo shoot to commemorate those who have chosen Jefferson for their education, employment and/or to care for them and their families.

Last month, hundreds of Jefferson employees gathered at Lubert Plaza in Center City for a photo shoot to showcase the 200-year legacy that lives on through its employees — Jefferson’s fiercest and most loyal ambassadors — as they create its third century. These employees represented one or more of the following categories:

  • Born in a Jefferson hospital
  • Gave birth in a Jefferson hospital
  • Alumni of Thomas Jefferson University, including legacy schools
  • Worked for Jefferson for 25 years or more
  • Are one of multiple generations in their family who work(ed) at Jefferson

Some employees met the criteria for all five groups!

Image of Jefferson employees Scroll to the bottom of the page to see a full image gallery

The mood of the afternoon was playful as participants one-upped each other about how many categories they qualified for or how long they’d worked at Jefferson. Parents who now work alongside their grown children reminisced about their children’s births at Jefferson hospitals. Alumni swapped stories about their university days. Phil the Ram appeared, posing with happy participants as they waited for photos.

Check out more photos in the gallery below and on social media, as well as this behind-the-scenes video:

Support Jefferson’s Bicentennial Service Initiative

Help us continue to celebrate Jefferson’s bicentennial by helping us reach 200,000 volunteer service initiative hours before the end of 2024. 

In June, we exceeded our mid-year goal of 100,000 hours and we want to remind you to log your volunteer hours today!

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